• Serviços •

Cuidados de ACNE

a woman with a lot of cream on her face
a woman with a lot of cream on her face

Cuidados de ACNE

Obtenha uma pele radiante com nosso tratamento especializado para acne e espinhas. Nossos tratamentos visam melhorar o controle de espinhas e remover marcas de acne antigas.

homem com mascara facial
homem com mascara facial

Prescrição de medicação

Baseado no seu tipo de pele e nível de acne irei prescrever o medicamento indicado para o tratamento do seu quadro.


Com formulação de cremes tópicos com características customizadas conseguimos melhorar muito a aparência da sua pele.


Trate as espinhas com nosso peeling especializado. Obtenha uma pele mais limpa, suave e livre de imperfeições.


Jess Mariko

Kristine is the best – I've been regularly seeing her for 2 years now and I've been able to seriously improve my cystic acne. She's professional and knows what she's doing.

Sarah Morgan

I initially got referred to Kristine by my doctor, since I suffer from a psoriasis that's been difficult to manage with medication alone. Thanks to Kristine's know-how, we've been able to keep the flair-ups down for a year now.

Alice Stauber

I recently moved to the area and was looking for a beauty salon that would offer both body treatments and nail services. Kristine does both, and she does them well. Thanks girl!

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